heaven above eindhoven
client: Yksi Expo
location: Torenallee 22-04, Eindhoven
exposition: 2013, Yksi Expo
exposition: 2014, van der Schootgebouw
exposition: 2015, Dutch Design Week 2015, Klokgebouw Eindhoven
program: Exposition De Hemel boven Eindhoven, Heaven above Eindhoven
pdf, publication: eindhovens dagblad
From 28 August to 13 October 2013, De Bever architecten from Eindhoven have presented on Yksi stage a timeline that contains the history of De Bever architecten from 1890 to 2030 and beyond..
The 12 meters long exhibition was divided in 8 sections, each covering 20 years.
This timeline starts in 1890 and every 20 years projects by De Bever architects were exposed as bilboards placed in a general history (indicated with flags and photos from famous people).
The second last section covered the future, starting from 2010 to 2030. The last section was a possible utopia from 2030.